How Often Should You Get Your Trees Trimmed?

How Often Should You Get Your Trees Trimmed?

Your trees are an important part of your landscape. Not only do they add beauty to your property, but they also provide shade and can increase your home's value. It is important to keep your trees trimmed so that they remain healthy and look their best. How often you need to trim your trees depends on their age, size, and type.

At Up Rooted Lawn and Land, we offer tree trimming in Edgerton that will help you keep your trees looking great. Today, we are going to discuss how often you should get your trees trimmed so that you can rest assured that your trees are properly taken care of. Continue reading to learn more, and contact us to get a free tree trimming consultation today!

professional tree trimming

Every 3-5 Years For an Older Tree

Older trees don't need to be trimmed as often as younger trees because they aren't growing as much. You should plan on trimming an older tree every three to five years. Even though older trees don't grow as much, it is still important to keep an eye on them. If you notice that your tree is starting to look overgrown, it may be time for a trim. Don't wait too long to trim your tree, as this can cause damage.

At Up Rooted Lawn and Land, we have the experience and expertise to properly trim your older tree. We will make sure that your tree is looking its best without causing any damage.

professional tree trimming

Every 2-3 Years for a Younger Tree

Younger trees need to be trimmed more often because they are growing quickly. You should plan on trimming a younger tree every two to three years.

Trimming a younger tree will help to shape it and encourage new growth. If you wait too long to trim your tree, it can become overgrown and misshapen. Regular tree trimming services in Edgerton will help ensure that your tree grows healthy and looks its best.

apple tree

Every Year for Fruit Trees

Fruit trees need to be trimmed every year so that they can produce new fruit. Trimming a fruit tree helps promote new growth, which is necessary for the tree to produce fruit. If you have a fruit tree, it is important to trim it in the late winter or early spring. This will help ensure that your tree has a long growing season and can produce a bountiful crop of fruit.

When you trim a fruit tree, it is important to be careful not to damage the buds or branches. Our tree trimming experts at Up Rooted Lawn and Land have the experience and knowledge to properly trim your fruit tree so that it can produce a great crop of fruit.

professional tree trimming

Before Storm Season

If you live in an area that is prone to storms like Edgerton, it is important to trim your trees before storm season. Trimming tree branches helps to prevent them from falling and causing damage during a storm.

It is best to trim tree branches in the late winter or early spring so that they have time to heal before the storm season begins. If you wait too long to trim your tree, it could be damaged by high winds or falling branches.

Protect Your Home With Tree Trimming Services

As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often you should get your trees trimmed. But, there is no need to worry as our team is here to provide you with professional tree trimming in Edgerton.

At Up Rooted Lawn and Land, we offer tree trimming services that will help keep your trees healthy and looking their best. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation! We would be happy to discuss your tree trimming needs and develop a plan that is right for you.